I will be in not one but TWO Short and Sweet Festivals this year!!! Yes, the over-ambitious new-comer is gonna juggle 2 festivals and another full-length musical.... oh, and then there is my day-job too. :p
I auditioned for S+S Musical wt hubby and we both got through... He'll be the bf of an social media addict while I will be... ahem... a prostitute!! Where can I learn how to be a prostitute?? The Obedient Wives Club!!! hehehehe... whatever it is, it's gonna be fun. The script is crazy funny!! Haven't heard the songs yet though. Can't wait for rehearsals to start! :D :D
I auditioned for S+S Dance and got 2 offers... both for Indian Dance-styles!! Omg... I soooooo love Bollywood!!! So, naturally I picked the Bollywood piece!! The other was a classical Bharatanatyam piece... dah Youtube it, macam susah leh. My choreographer is Shobana Sahajananan and she is wayyyy cool & can really really MOVE IT MOVE IT!! I can't wait, can't wait!!!
Hubby also auditioned for S+S Theatre & is playing a suicidal fler who hired an assassin to kill himself. Dark emo-stuff by a happy-feeted cheerful playright BB. Can't wait to see it!
So, if you guys are free... please do come to Pentas 2, KLPAC and watch all of us in the Short + Sweet Festival Malaysia 2011. Am sure you will enjoy yourselves!!
S+S Musical Performance: 28-30 Sept
S+S Musical Gala Nite: 1 Oct 2011
S+S Dance Performance: 5-8 Oct 2011, 12-15 Oct 2011
S+S Dance Gala Nite: 16 Oct 2011
S+S Theatre Performance: 19-22 Oct 2011, 26-29 Oct 2011
S+S Theatre Gala Nite: 30 Oct 2011
Hehe! Rock the stage, Karynn! Break legs for Short+Sweet!
you tooooo!!!! :) :)
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