Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Checking off!!

In a blink of an eye, it has been more than 4 months since I left the rat-race. With any kind of time-off... if your not careful, you may end up lazing around without getting anything done, without figuring anything out. I thank God, I have had the opportunity to do A LOT of what I had set out to:

1st vacation with Mom ☑
We went to Taipei & spent some good mother-daughter quality time together. Never had the opportunity to it before due to time constraints. It was always my sister who accompanies my mom on her travels, because she is a teacher with loads of time off work.

Watch Broadway Musicals in NYC  ☑
I had the opportunity to catch the 3 multiple Tony Award winning Broadway shows: War Horse, The Book of Mormons and Once. And OMG, Broadway was superb!!! I really really hope someday our performance arts industry will reach that level... and I hope that someday is within my lifetime. ;-)

Visit Sui Poh in Boston ☑
Something I had wanted to do since Sui Poh moved to the states 8 years ago. The girl I spent most of my teenage and university days with... flew off and started a new life in the states. I miss her like crazy, and I miss her even more now that we got reacquainted during my visit. I do hope to pay her more visits... but I don't have the money for many US trips AND a 1 year sabbatical. hahah

Wrote a Musical ☑
Co-wrote and co-composed The GeongXi is a Vamp with hubby... eastern culture meets western culture, and vampires. And we got an AWESOME team of directors, musical director, make-up guy and actors to stage it. If you are going to watch it at the Short and Sweet Musical Festival this year on 26 - 29th Sept @klpac, please vote for Musical #6!! ;-) I am so excited to see it come to life!! Which will probably be on video only... unfortunately, I will be performing next door at the same time... and will not be able to watch it live. Sobs!!

Cast in a Dama Production ☑
This is the reason I cannot watch my own musical. I am performing in Empress Wu: The Musical... an epic story of the rise of Lady Wu to become the first ruling Empress of China. The ups and downs of her life and all the people involved. This production is the grandest one I have ever been in yet, and it is also the most professional art journey I have ever experienced. With private lessons on English and Mandarin speeches respectively, and even a class on Tang Dynasty gestures and mannerism... all the details of that era is being brought to life. I can't wait to try on my costumes!!! All the music were originally written for this production and the arrangement is also so grand that it gave me goosebumps!

Act in a TV show ☑
Although I was just an extra, I had the opportunity to see how a TV show was staged and shot. It is definitely simpler than theatre as you can always re-shoot if anyone makes a mistake. But is was loads of fun anyway, because it was for a sitcom. I'll be on air in Oct!

Do a dance gig ☑
Thanks to the talented Kerry-Ann , I had the opportunity to take on a dance gig. Normally, I would only stick to the comfort zone of strength and only do singing gigs. It's stressful to learn up and remember choreography in a span on 2days. But it paid off and I really appreciate how she always has so much faith in me to give me these challenges. =)

Free-lance work ☑
I am still trying out some free-lance jobs which included working for a medical magazine, sales of financial products, perhaps NGO work and emcee/radio-DJing. All new experiences taught me new things that I would not have learnt had I remained in the comfort zone & routines of the corporate world. Even if I do not continue these jobs forever, I have decided to ensure I close enough deals each year to keep my financial license active forever, to continue keeping in touch with all these people I meet along the way as every valuable relationship starts of with strangers. Meeting new people will always help you learn new things or see things in new perspectives.

Not bad eh?? Although a part of me do miss marketing and going back to corporate is very tempting as I watch my savings shrinking by day. But I should persevere a little longer... no??? I still have not ventured into my own business, which was something I put off indefinitely as it required a little too much time commitment which will hinder my passion in the arts. Maybe someday that dream will rise above my artsy dream?? I'll know when the time comes. For now, arts is my first love... I still hope to land a gig in WIP: Bangsar Shopping Complex in November and I still have Everworld: The Musical in December. See you in 2013, corporate world??

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