Well I don't!!! I totally DO NOT like having a busy life.
With my promotion, work has been soooooooo stressful!! With too many things all happening at the same time. So much to do, so little time, only 1 of me, cannot split. Argh!!
Then there's my studies, with an assignment deadline this Monday followed by 3 exams!! Argh!!
And newly passing Bodyjam, I gotta practice and practice and fit in as many team-teach as possible so that I can continuously improve. No TT = No feedback = No improvements!!! And I haven't cleared, cannot allow myself to get rusty. Argh!!
Then there's the new house, so many documents to sign. Once we get the key, gotta get quotation la, plan renovations la, ...etc. Argh!!!
Wedding plans. Photographer (not checked), invitation cards (not checked), pre-marital counseling (not checked), guest list (not checked)... er is there anything that I HAVE done??? Argh!!
Church: still gotta continue serving what... where can neglect God? He's d one who gave me everything I got. Cannot be so ungrateful one. Argh!!!
I want my life to go back to normal... and soon too before I turn gila!!
So, if any of you think that you have problems... I'm gonna crawl right out of this blog and cekik ya'all!!
Scared yet?
You'd better be!! Muahahahah...maybe too late, I HAVE turned gila...