After confiding in my boss, have decided to postpone my MBA plans to the next intake in April 2008. Right now, I need to concentrate and focus all my energy into hitting my all my targets this year. Hit, hit and over-hit!!!!
Why can’t I afford the MBA this year?
When I started working, I’ve set the goal to go to at least 1 foreign place I have not been before every year. I have kept to or exceeded this goal every year without fail.
This year, I had already planned to go to Japan in November.
If I forgo Japan, I can go ahead with the MBA this year.
If I forgo my MBA, then I can go on all my exotic holidays.
But I don’t want either one to be in the way of achieving the other.
In other words, I want to have my cake and eat it too!!
Considering I do have some control over how much I can potentially earn, I think that I can work towards achieving both!! Consider it a
desperation motivation to achieve all my targets!!
Beside, what good is it to have a cake if you can’t eat it eh??