Sunday, October 19, 2008

House kelam-kabuting

Yesterday, Zwi and Daniel hosted a pot-luck dinner for a bunch of us from church.

Plenty of food

Am not much of a cook, only know how to do very few dishes without screwing up. Even this dish, the last time I cooked it was probably around 10years ago!! ;p

My fried spicy nissin noodle wt luncheon meat!

One of the attention grabbers for the night was Thong Thong... their 1 yr old silky terrier with never ending energy. Hyperactive like crazy!! Super friendly too.

Mason & Steph playing with Thong Thong. They are in my cell-group and will be getting married 2 weeks before us... wonder would pastor let us keep d church decor up for 2 weeks? Heheheh

Me and d lovely hostess, Zwi

Yeap, definitely kelam-kabut

Coz there were 2 kids running about besides d hyperactive Thong Thong. ;)

Zwi even gave us all a little doorgift for her party... so sweet!

The other attention grabber of the night was the dance mat!! Here's our lovely hostess showing how it is done!!

I stayed the night at her place... and woke up this morning greeted by Thong Thong. :) She's so cute!

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