Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Mamma mia!!

Just watch Mamma Mia the movie with baby today. It is absolutely positively GOOOOD!!! Such a fun movie to watch and I bet it was fun to make as well. A true feel-good movie. It is entertaining and heart warming.... I still have the leftover warm fuzzy feeling inside right now. Aaawwww.....

Loved the music soooo much too. I must must get the soundtrack.

I love it!! Love it! Love it!! Love it!!!! Cant wait for the musical!!

Only thing was that some stupid people were singing along with the ABBA songs. Oi! Nak nyanyi gi karaoke ok? Cinema is not d place!! Dah la these people cant sing... those who can sing (ahem!) also haven't bersuara!

We watched it in Sunway Pyramid. I realize that that place has the most confusing floors ever!! Look at this!

why 2 F's? and 2 LG1's? But only 1 G? Howcome got LG1 and LG2? Which is the lower level? Then why is there no CP1??? er.... pening!

Since I still feel warm and fuzzy and think that the world is all beautiful... did anyone see the rainbow in the evening on Monday?? Pretty isn't it? It really made my drive to my night class pleasant. :)

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