Last week, our church Revival Centre KL had our family camp in Taman Negara. Initially, we faced some problems organizing the camp... no speaker, no venue, got accommodation no hall...etc. But praise God it all worked out in the end. In fact, the response was the best ever!! 146 campers!! Most of the campers were staying at the conference venue, Woodlands... but due to overwhelming response, some of us stayed at the neighbouring resort, Rainforest.
We left RCKL at about 8.30am.
everyone boarding d busThen we made a pitstop at Jerantut for lunch. D food was gooood! D last yummy meal before a few days of Taman Negara food...urgh
Yuet Ngor (Fellow AJHGian) & me!
Woodlands' little cottages
Seremban Siew Pau for tea break
Andy (Fellow AJHGian) and me
Sally (Fellow AJHGian) and me!
D worship team practising
D congregation, da rest still outsideD sermons were very good because our speaker, Ps Matt Heins made it very simple and practical. Easy to understand and hits a few bullseye... sometimes abit scary when d pastors sermons hit abit too close to home. You just absolutely know it's God speaking straight to you... yes, I mean YOU!! During one of the services, Ps Matt actually called me out to pray for me, saying that God wants to use me... I have bigs things ahead of me in my future. Argh! Is dat some kind of calling?? Tak tau la what it is... God's plans are always the best but not necessarily a smooth sailing easy path. Scary... but sun kei tzi yin la! Nothing good can ever come out of disobeying Him. Anyway, He has blessed me with so much... got nothing to complain about in my life thanks to Him!! Praise God!
games during dinner
d joy of d Lord!
Misty morningsThe second day, we had some free time in the afternoon to do some adventurous stuff. There are several options to choose from: Canopy Walk, Rapid Shooting, Orang Asli Village Visit and Cave Exploration. I chose to go for the cave exploration because I've never done it before.
Took a boat 2 d jungle (rapid shooting?)
Jungle trekking
Passed a hanging bridge (canopy walk??)
Gua Telinga
I think we cave explorers, although the smallest group, got to do the most variety of activities... heheh. Haven't got d pics taken inside d cave. The bats are really cute! Furry little creatures sleeping in groups upside down. Will post it later. But it was a great experience! I think this was d most adventurous church camp I've ever been to.
Interviewing d campers for testimony
At night, a group of us gathered to play charades together. Although just a very simple game, but it's really really funny to see a bunch of adults act like kiddies trying to act things out. The second night, it was a birthday celebration for Marissa!!
D birthday gal and her cake!
Oh, another reason that probably attracted some female camper... d good looking speaker!! ;-)
Ps Matt and me
All in all, it was a great camp! Extremely tiring but worth every moment and every drop of sweat!! I'm sure many lives were touched at this camp and it'll cause a chain-reaction to touch many more who didn't even go. Hopefully next year we'll need an even bigger resort to fit all of the Revivalites!