We did something else instead... decided to flex our vocal muscles instead of our other muscles at the gym.

Karaoke? Nope

My singing partner in crime since high school, Zwui
Just where were we headed?

DJW recording studio!!

Actually, we were not recording an album for ourselves. A lady from our church was recording an album and she picked us to sing in her album. Some solo parts here and there, and also back-up vocals. She spotted our talent during our wonderful Christmas presentation last year... and also all 3 of us are serving in the music/worship ministry at church... so, memang like it or not, she always nampak kita bertiga bernyanyi-nyanyi la.

I shall sing!

Alvin... lead singer of the chipmunks... where art thou Simon and Theodore?

There he is! Simon came to join us later.

Theodore? No la, he couldn't make it. It's Zwui!

D 4 of us learning up our parts
We had quite many songs to record; sometimes as the soloist, sometimes as the back-up vocals for each other, sometime in parts, some "oooos and aaaahhs", the usual stuff. We were there since morning we of course we took a break for lunch.

Right across the street was Canaan Church
What is there in Canaan Church?

Pastor Daniel and his wife, Karen.
They used to be in Revival Centre too and in the same homegroup as d 3 of us. He was also the one who led the music ministry so we were pretty close. We miss them a lot!! So lunch was a great opportunity to catch up with them.

After lunch, there was more work to do... we left there in the evening. Woooh... was very tiring but kinda fun. We'll be going back as there's still work left to do to complete the album. Will let you all know when it is out!!
We'll be stars! heehehe :-)
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